i was standing under the porch of my parent’s home, and as i look up there is a red lantern but it was not lighted up, so i thought to myself how can it be lighted up since its all installed up close to the ceiling and there is no hole from the bottom of the lantern? then i look to my right and there is a person lifting up his hand and push up a light source and the light source ascended up to the lantern and the lantern now light up the whole porch and. i woke up crying
This dream may symbolize a revelation or a source of hope that you are seeking in your waking life. The red lantern, often associated with warmth and guidance, being unlit suggests a feeling of being in darkness or uncertainty. The act of the person lifting a light source to ignite the lantern may represent the support or assistance you need to overcome current challenges. Crying upon waking could indicate a release of pent-up emotions or the realization of your struggles, while also hinting at a desire for clarity and illumination in your life.